Pocket Eyewitness Science : Facts at Your Fingertips
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Become a science superstar with this handy guide to essential topics including matter, energy, and animals.
Discover the secrets of the animal kingdom, learn the method behind chemical mixtures and absorb incredible information about energy: from electricity to electromagnetism and even light itself. From discovering what matter is to learning about the water cycle, each topic is broken down to its key element and accompanied by fantastic pictures.
What is science and how does it shape the world around us? DK Pocket Eyewitness Science allows you to get these facts for kids at your fingertips and is packed with bite-sized chunks of information that make learning about science even more exciting.
With amazing encyclopedic stats, engaging photographs and genius gem facts, DK Pocket Eyewitness Science shows you how science affects everything we do in one pocket-sized book.
Discover the secrets of the animal kingdom, learn the method behind chemical mixtures and absorb incredible information about energy: from electricity to electromagnetism and even light itself. From discovering what matter is to learning about the water cycle, each topic is broken down to its key element and accompanied by fantastic pictures.
What is science and how does it shape the world around us? DK Pocket Eyewitness Science allows you to get these facts for kids at your fingertips and is packed with bite-sized chunks of information that make learning about science even more exciting.
With amazing encyclopedic stats, engaging photographs and genius gem facts, DK Pocket Eyewitness Science shows you how science affects everything we do in one pocket-sized book.
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